Gambling Licence For Fruit Machines

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To own and operate gaming machines in South Australia you must have a gaming machine licence and hold gaming machine entitlements.

  1. Gambling Licence For Fruit Machines Using
  2. Gambling Licence For Fruit Machines Without

Home For gambling businesses Apply for a licence Apply for a licence About the application process, the application and annual fees payable and the steps you will need to take to ensure your business is compliant with your licence conditions.

Each gaming machine licence specifies the maximum number of gaming machines approved for a venue. The most any venue can have is 40 machines.

  1. Hotel Gaming Licences In addition to selling and serving alcohol on and off premises, a hotel licence allows you to operate gaming machines. Gaming machine entitlements and thresholds. There must be one GME and/or one PMP for each gaming machine at the hotel.
  2. Your alcohol licence gives authorisation to run two pieces of either category C or category D gaming equipment (fruit machines, slot machines). However, to allow this permission you will need to notify your resident authority that you mean to operate equipment under your alcohol licence. A fee may be payable.

A gaming machine licence can't be granted to premises located under the same roof as shops or within shopping complexes.

More than one gaming machine licence may be held for separate parts of a premises if there are also separate liquor licences. In the case of clubs, two or more clubs may hold a gaming machine licence on the same premises if each one also holds their own liquor licence for that premises.

Before you begin

Before you can apply for a gaming machine licence you must already have these things.

Liquor licence

You must have, or have applied for, one of these liquor licences:
  • on premises liquor licence, but only if the nature of the business is similar to a licensed club and the premises is:
    • a major sporting venue, or
    • the headquarters in SA for a particular sporting code.

Social effect certificate

You must have undertaken a social effect inquiry, submitted a report and received a social effect certificate.

Proposed premises certificate

If your premises is not yet fully constructed you may need a proposed premises certificate.

Once you have all of these, you can begin your application for a gaming machine licence.

What you'll need

All applicants need to:

  • provide a completed application form and fee payment
  • provide a copy of the lease agreement or permission from the landlord if you don't own the property
  • provide a certificate of title if you own the property
  • provide a copy of a bank or loan statement if you have borrowed money to finance this application
  • provide evidence that you have entered into a service agreement with a licensed service agent
  • determine whether you are applying as:
    • an individual
    • a partnership
    • a company
    • a trustee of a trust or incorporated association

    • and provide the following documents where applicable:
    • a copy of the partnership agreement
    • an ASIC extract
    • an incorporated association constitution including a list of committee members
    • a copy of the relevant trust deed.
  • determine who holds a position of authority in your corporate structure or trust, and lodge a personal identification declaration (PID) to have those persons approved.
Gambling Licence For Fruit Machines

Identifying positions of authority

It is your responsibility to ensure that all persons:

  • who occupy a position of authority within your corporate structure/trust or
  • receive profits or proceeds from the business

are approved by the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner.

Positions of authority include:

  • a sole-trader or persons in a partnership
  • directors and shareholders, including where a shareholder is a body corporate
  • trustees and beneficiaries of the trust associated with the licensed entity
  • committee members in the case of an incorporated association
  • any person in the corporate structure which exercises influence or control over the business.

Minors who are shareholders in a proprietary company, or who are beneficiaries under a trust don't need approval.

Personal identification declarations (PIDs)

To be approved by the commissioner, each person must complete and lodge a personal identification declaration (PID) with the application.

If a person has already been approved in a position of authority under another current gaming machine licence in SA, a PID is only required if their circumstances have changed since their last approval.

Gambling Licence For Fruit Machines Using


Everyone submitting a PID will be contacted by SA Police to have their fingerprints taken (alternative arrangements can be made for people who live in remote or isolated areas, interstate or overseas).

Additional evidence

If you don't have a proposed premises certificate you must provide evidence to satisfy the commissioner that:

  • the proposed gaming area or gaming areas within the premises will be suitable for the proper conduct of gaming operations
  • there will be adequate security proposed for the premises, gaming areas and the gaming machines
  • the conduct of the proposed gaming operations would be unlikely to result in undue offence, annoyance, disturbance or inconvenience to those who live, work or worship in the vicinity of the premises
  • the conduct of gaming operations would not detract unduly from the character of the premises, the nature of the undertaking carried out on the premises or the enjoyment of persons ordinarily using the premises
  • the proposed gaming area(s) is not designed or situated so that it would be a special attraction to minors
  • the proposed gaming area(s) is enclosed
  • you have obtained any necessary approvals, consents or exemptions.

How to apply

Lodge your application form, the relevant fee, PIDs and other documents with Consumer and Business Services (CBS).

Email the application to

Post to:

Licensing and Registration
GPO Box 2169
Adelaide SA 5001


Gambling Licence For Fruit Machines Without

Application typeFee
Application for a gaming machine licence


Application for approval of a person to assume a position of authority in body corporate:

  • if a person has already been approved in a position of authority under another current gaming machine licence in South Australia

No fee

  • if a person has been approved as a responsible person or in a position of authority under a current liquor licence in South Australia


  • in any other case


Before a business owner secures the license permission to function, a set of sector-specific license requirements and compliance rules must be met.

A primary purpose of such procedure was designed to determine the behaviour of everyone associated with a particular gambling organisation in order to eliminate the faintest deviation from the jurisdiction’s protocol. Documented information about a business owner, business partners and employee should be provided as a result.

Basic terms and conditions of the Gambling Commission:

Gambling Licence For Fruit Machines
  • a detailed description of gambling business: an owner of the gambling business should provide the detailed and current information in a particular field of gambling he is planning to run;
  • accounting data reports and auditing information;
  • a clear description of games offered to the visitors, games specification and system functionality.

Requirements for the owners of gambling businesses:

The regulations of various jurisdictions can vary, however, the license is a must for any authorised gambling business entity that has implemented proper business-planning efforts to stay solvent.

The requirements for obtaining the license for gambling companies are almost the same as for financial companies, insurance companies, banks, exchange offices, etc. They primarily concern accounting and auditing, in addition to functionality of the games and a detailed description of the company’s business activity:

  • A good reputation is an asset, which includes: the lack of criminal responsibility, verified identity, proven credit track record, positive credit history information of the owner and employees;
  • Detailed summary information on the structure and finances to determine whether the company possesses sufficient resources for the full-fledged business in the field of online gambling.

Employment data requirements:

The primary requirement for almost every jurisdiction is that one of the directors of the company has the citizenship of the country, where the license will be issued. The development of some other rules that will exclude the possibility of applying for a business license in the field of gambling to persons who do not have the sufficient experience in this area as well as the necessary financial capacity is also possible. In a case of non-compliance with certain gaming license requirements, a gambling committee may reject an application for a license. If approved, the company agrees to conduct their business under the laws of the given jurisdiction.

To facilitate the process of obtaining a license, many gaming committees offer to split for a few jurisdictions in the country. If the company plans to start working in one of the online gaming niche-fields, GamingLicensing experts will gladly help you every step of the way, ensuring a smooth application process.

Gambling Licence For Fruit Machines

GamingLicensing team of professionals will provide a detailed information covering all the major nuances on how to obtain a gambling license in certain jurisdictions, that would be tailored to your particular needs and budgetary Basically, you’ll get a bunch of highly experienced professionals who will make sure your company fits all of the gaming license requirements and is ready to run a successful business.


  1. Who issues gaming licenses to gambling companies?

    Gaming licenses are issued by special commissions called gambling commissions. It is in their jurisdiction to issue gambling licenses, regulate online gambling, and decide which gambling companies are eligible to obtain a license based on their business conduct and codes of practice.

  2. What are the basic requirements imposed by gambling commissions?

    The basic requirements gambling business owners need to meet to obtain a gambling license include giving a detailed description of their business and the type of gambling operation the company intends to run.

    All accounting and data reports need to be submitted for revision as well. Also, you need to provide an unambiguous description of games offered to players, as well as the games’ specifications and functionality.

  3. Are there any requirements for business owners?

    Business owners are required to submit financial reports, bank statements, and credit card rating reports to prove their companies are financially capable of maintaining a full-fledged online gambling business. Moreover, a good reputation and a lack of criminal record are considerable assets.

  4. Are there any employee-specific requirements?

    Almost all gambling commissions require that at least one of the company directors is a citizen of the country where the license is to be issued. Also, considerable expertise in the gambling industry is required from the company’s employees since that will guarantee the stable operation of the gambling business.